Family Therapy

For better or worse, family plays a critical role in each of our lives. Family often impacts our personality, beliefs about ourselves, behaviors, and relationships. Yet, family can also be the source of some of our greatest wounds and hurts. Family therapy aims to establish positive and helpful ways of relating with one another that will facilitate healthy communication and connection with one another. It provides a space where unproductive roles and patterns can be exposed, allowing families to create new norms within their system that will allow for positive change and increased closeness. 

Families face a variety of challenges, including grief, conflict, struggling sibling relationships, poor parent/teen communication, and so much more. Family therapy addresses these concerns and many more, identifying problematic patterns that leave families feeling stuck and teaching new skills to move toward a healthier future. 

This service is offered in-person or virtually to Florida residents.

Parent Coaching

One of the greatest needs I have seen throughout my practice as a counselor is the desire for parental coaching. As my awareness of this desired service grew, I began offering this specialization. This role has a special place in my heart, as I love to see parents doing everything they can to love and support their children. Kids do not come with a “how-to” manual and navigating big behaviors with your child can feel daunting. Parent coaching is a space that allows you to process some of your greatest parenting challenges and receive feedback and solutions to help your child thrive. 

This service is offered in-person or virtually anywhere in the world.

Post-Divorce Counseling 

Divorce can be an absolutely brutal and traumatic experience that leaves a wake of pain and hurt in its path. It can cause lifelong impacts on all parties, including kids. But it doesn’t have to! Post-divorce counseling is a place where couples can learn new ways of relating with each other outside of marriage. This service is designed for couples who are separated or divorced and would like to have a positive and collaborative relationship. Common areas of discussion include co-parenting, blended families, conflict resolution, and forgiveness. Post-divorce counseling is especially beneficial for families who are still parenting children together and have split custody agreements.

This service is offered in-person or virtually to Florida residents.